Monday, July 9, 2012

Run for Autism Fundraiser

I started this post a few weeks ago...

Last night we had bad storms come through our area. Hardly anyone got any sleep and I should have known that the little one would be up early today. I did my normal Saturday morning routine of getting ready to go to my Weight Watchers meeting. I then headed off to my meeting and came back home pretty much right away since we were having a friend come over to help my husband with his truck.

As I walked in the back door I heard a "Mommeeee!!" I knew immediately it wasn't my oldest but the little one!! She started screaming for me and running to the door. That was awesome. I ran up to her and gave her a big squeeze hug and had lot's of tears.


What a difference from last year to this year.

A year ago my little one would not have recognized I even left the house much less reacted to my return.

A year ago the only word she had in her vocabulary was probably "NO!"

A year ago the ability to transition from activity to activity was so horrible that I just expected screaming and tears at every turn.

A year ago she had no sleep issues and slept all night for 12 + hours.

A year ago she didn't know her ABC's.

A year ago she didn't know her numbers.

A year ago she couldn't point to what she wanted.

A year ago she couldn't tell me what she wanted.

A year ago she didn't call me Mommy.

A year ago she was so insanely frustrated with trying to tell us what she wanted that she would hit her head all the time on anything.

A year ago she never could express how she wanted to be twirled or held or swung on her swing.

A year ago she couldn't communicate with anyone at all.

Now she can use her communication device to tell us what she wants or needs.

Now it may take many cues but she can transition better through her daily activities.

Now she has a vocabulary of about 75 words that she may or may not use when needed.

Now she knows her ABC's and can sing them.

Now she can recite her numbers up into the 20's.

Now she points or leads us by the hand to what she wants or needs.

Now she can call her Dada, her sister (sometimes) and once in awhile I will hear Mommy in between her jibber jabber.

Now she will take my hand and wait for the bus nicely but will get distracted if there are flowers near by.

Now she has made it through a school field trip at the zoo that I never thought was possible.

Now she takes the leading on going to bed, she may fart around once in bed but compared to the issues we had last winter it is not a problem.

While she still has a way to go she is doing so much better than she was a year ago. Like other little 4 year old's she loves The Smurfs and the bird movie RIO. She loves birds so much that she has quite a collection along with fake flowers that she loves to carry around.

This year I am doing the Chicago Marathon and raising money for Run For Autism. The Organization for Autism Research focus is on applying research that directly impacts the day to day quality of life for those with Autism. The organizations research is based around education, communication, self care, social skills, employment, behavior, and adult and community living. 

I am raising money through my running blog that has give aways as well: 

If you want you can just donate here!! 


You can go to my running blog Baby Weight My Fat Ass  and enter the give away after making a contribution to my donation page as there are some prizes that aren't related to a running enthusiast!   

I understand that raising a child with Autism is expensive and we all look to keep our money close to home but I believe in the research that has helped my little girl make great strides. Any amount of a donation would be wonderful!!

Thank you!

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